- Fill family visit visa form online at MOFA.GOV.SA.
- Print the filled form from MOFA.GOV.SA. All form should be filled in Arabic, other than the visitor's name. As it is in English on Passport. No spelling mistakes on Name.
- Take a photo copy of this filled form and keep it safe, you need it for visa inquiry.
- Introduction letter from Kafeel, must mention salary and purpose of visit. (ABOVE TWO (filled form and introduction letter) SHOULD BE ATTESTED FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE)
- Your Iqama, passport first page, and passport visa page copy.
- Wife's Iqama, passport first page, and passport visa page copy.
- A letter from hospital / Dr attending. (ARABIC - Optional in case of pregnancy support)
- Copy of Arabic translation of Nikkah Nama.
Submitall above to MOFA, and check the status of the visa online after 2 to 3 days.